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The Christian Equestrian's Literary "Stamp" in Type
A Woman's Right: To be a Woman Featured

We're living in a culture that has sought to redefine gender for generations. Women rejecting a God given design trump the "it's a woman's right" to do so. Overhearing the rants, we hear that abortion is a "woman's right", homosexuality is a "woman's right", and just about anything that can be thought of is a "woman's right."
For the Christian woman - we recognize that to be a woman is a gift from God. We have a responsibility and an unique opportunity to express God's plan for humans. We have a mission and through realizing the exalted plan God intended for womankind - our lives are complete and others are blessed through this too.
True fulfillment does not come from redefining or denial of what we are. Our lives are made meaningful and whole through obedience in Jesus Christ. It is a honor to see that if we have any "right" or "choice"--it is to embrace the Salvation of Jesus Christ and glorify Him by being what He intended for us to be. Yes, all this can be rejected--we do have a choice. May we stay focused and not lose out on the very best for our lives.
The Lord gave this poem this week that reminds us all that we have the "right" to choose the "Right Way"--John 14:6. Let us rejoice in our womanhood and set aside the counterfeit rants and raves of unrighteousness and be God's women each day.
A Woman's Right: To be a Woman
(Sequel to first "A Woman's Right" prolife poem)
A Woman's Right
To be a woman;
An opportunity to identify,
God's purpose and design.
Her life--Him--to glorify.
A Woman's Right
To be strong,
Anchored in Jesus our Savior.
Learning by His example,
The Guidance for behavior.
A Woman's Right
To be generous
In happy and gentle deeds.
Pouring forth real kindness,
Meeting other's needs.
A Woman's Right
To be lovely
Embracing a role God given.
Gracious, loving, heart beauty;
Feminine and Master driven.
A Woman's Right
To speak truth
Standing for what is right!
Honest, forthright, consistent
Wise and meekly persistent.
A Woman's Right
To be helpful
Support. Exhort. Be there!
Available and on mission.
Burdens we can share.
A Woman's Right's a choice??
The time is now to choose
God's liberated womanhood!
It's too good for you to lose!
Be a woman that chooses first
The way God plans for one
We're here for a reason, a need
Our job on earth is not done.
God made woman to be one
Not a woman to become man
Not a man, but a woman
The woman created by Hand.
A virtuous woman we can be
A ruby, pearl and crown;
A trusted partner, life giver,
Wearing an atoned gown.
It's not a stereotype or legend
Nor an outdated thing of the past.
We can be a Christian woman;
Christ's jewel that will eternally last.