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Horse News. Christian Living. Equine Education
The Christian Equestrian's Literary "Stamp" in Type
Poetry has never been a strong point in my writing (or even a real interest), however, I have found this year that the Lord gives me a message once written down, it finds itself in rhythm. Of course, I haven't gotten the stanzas all to match in syllables--so you writing folks out there--I'm an amateur! But there's no denying that He gave me this poem very quickly on my drive home yesterday. I could not rest or get anything done until I sat down and the words flowed forth, almost effortlessly. I've edited it a little, but here it is almost exactly as He gave it (read below).
We have to be willing to receive from the Lord and be where He wants us. It takes a daily acceptance and saying "Yes, Lord--I will obey and trust You." Yesterday, I felt it would be impossible for me to be of any use to the Lord--that my call to ministry would need to be set aside for a time. I had given all I could and felt I could no longer be effective--so I thought. Yet the Lord answered many prayers and I experienced His work, His grace and His renewal in a very personal, shockingly quick way that has lasted to a new day. No one can fully comprehend this--unless they too experience the Lord's vibrant work in their lives.
There are times in our lives we so wonder "why"--every one of us, if we are honest, are going to have those times of "wonder" and even "deaths" (however great or whatever they are) that put us to that question. Yet--in Christ, if we are truly submitting our lives to Him, we realize we have a responsibility to respond to any trial as Christ would and to let His mindset be the "sieve" in straining out our thoughts to only dwell on His truths. Much of our walking through shadows relies on our being willing to obey Him by faith and not doubt God's mercy, will or sovereignty.
I hope you will be encouraged and realize, you too are chosen. We when accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we truly have what we need to make it. He causes us to mount wings of eagles (Isaiah 40:31), soaring above the storm, restoring our strength--when we need to be restored. He promises that no matter if we take the wings of morning or dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea (Ps. 139:9-10), EVEN THERE, He is with us. We are never alone and we are so safe within His will.
I cannot know who reads most my articles or blog posts. I do not know your circumstances, but if you are human, there's probably a few of you out there today that need to be encouraged and experience a renewal. Seek the Lord with full vigor. He promises to right all wrongs (Romans 12:19), heal the broken hearted (Luke 4:18), restore the weak and provide the grace in measure to each need (2 Cor. 12:9). Remember when you confess Christ--you are chosen to be His and chosen to dip from His unending, overflowing stores of grace and goodness! Be encouraged, my friend and wait on the Lord--He will not fail you.
I am Chosen
Rebekah L. Holt
I am Chosen
When I confessed my Lord
The Savior of my Life
He died that I might live
Free from sin’s binding strife.
I am Chosen
Restored. Redeemed, Purchased.
His life He gave for mine.
The Amazing story becomes real
As I walk this journey in time.
I am Chosen
Because He loves me deeply
With unfailing, ceaseless love
Faithful to fill me daily
Sending mercies from above.
I am Chosen
To be His cherished one
Experiencing His provision
Overflowing and abundant
No restrictions in what is given.
I am Chosen
And wholly forgiven
Knowing the same measure
I too must all forgive
No wrongs must I treasure.
I am Chosen
To give and give and give
Not fearing slight or shun.
Freely given, freely received
God can never be outdone
I am Chosen
To rise, refreshed again
Triumphant—As He Lives!
A reflection of His Imagine
Submitted to what He gives
I am Chosen
To be joyously filled
To rejoice everyday
To find myself in raptures
Of delights He sends my way
I am Chosen
To keep on going
Tho’ the path the soul tries
His grace is all sufficient
He enables, satisfies
I am Chosen
To sing sweet praises
To the One Who made for me
The sunset and the dew drops
Children who laugh merrily
I am Chosen
To see His beauty
Daily framed in each glance
A world that dazzles, exclaims
Details Handcrafted--not “chance”
I am Chosen
To receive abundance
In kind and thoughtful deeds
By those also Chosen
Dear Believers, indeed.
I am Chosen
To be enriched
By prayers in United Band
These are also Chosen
Extensions of Nail Pierced Hands.
I am Chosen
To know Him
He is enough to fill
Every hole, every void
In storm, in grief or still
I am Chosen
To have no doubts
As to His real, tender care
He knows the very numbers
Of silver threads in my hair
I am Chosen
To wait for Him
His wing beneath to rest
Unknowns may vision cloud
His will is always best
I am Chosen
To see Him work
Every day in my behalf
Whatever guidance needed
He leads me with rod and staff.
I am Chosen
To travel Pathways
Enriched by Kingly gold
Wisdom, charity, peace
Spirit Fruits never old.
I am Chosen
To abide with Him
Every day with Christ Jesus
He lives in me; I in Him
Strength overcoming weakness
I am Chosen
A daughter of the King
Created to do His work
I am made for a purpose.
With His grace I will not shirk.
I am Chosen
You are chosen too
Your unique Life greatly counts
Say “Yes” to Him always
You He never will denounce