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Purity Behind Doors - Purity - It's Possible, Even Today! Part Two

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Purity Behind Doors

Character is what you are in the dark. D. L. Moody


Purity starts in our hearts and at the hearth of home.

The “product” of how we live and operate begins with what we believe and how we live by those beliefs.

Scripture tells us, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).”

What is in is what comes out.

The starting point of purity for any believer is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Relationships require knowing someone. In being a Christ follower, it means following the ways of Christ and living as Christ would. “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth (Romans 10:4).”

When we professed Christ as the Lord of our lives that meant our lives are going be constantly required to change for better in every way. We can know the Lord’s guidance through the Holy Spirit. “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come (John 16:13).”

Behavior and pleasures that once were acceptable in a carnal lifestyle are no longer acceptable.

Even those of us raised in a Christian home are not exempt from Christ’s purging as all of us are born with the sin nature and require redemption of character, attitudes, mindset, etc., etc.

What we are in secret is so important. Appetites for sensual pleasures often can trip up even the most enthusiastic Christian into living a lifestyle that is disobedient to God. Idleness can lead to wasting time, reading frivolous romance novels or sports magazines. Most commonly in today's internet immerged culture, many Christians can find themselves over dedicating to endless hours on social media, gaming, chat/dating websites.

Home entertainment is one of the greatest vehicles for compromise in standards of purity we Christians face.

Fornication, pornography, adultery, murder, revenge, covetousness and even just mindless, course jesting riddles almost every form of media known to man. Those bad things just get “slipped in” and before many know it, watching fornication on the screen can be justified, because, as one Christian woman told the authoress, “I’m married” (should that really make a difference??)! Crude, coarse jesting humor begins to make one laugh and the gore of blood and war—many can’t wait to watch again and again. Foolish dreamy romantic fantasies lead many young girls and even grown women down a frustrating path of longing for something that either doesn't exist or breeds discontent in their lives.   

What we are “comfortable with"  or things that "don't bother” us maybe should make us uncomfortable and bother us!

Humans can become comfortable with anything. One example is that many have come to accept homosexuals or unmarried people living together with an excuse of “they are engaged” or “well, they are committed to each other.” Is it surprising when considering that even the Corinthian church had to be rebuked for growing comfortable with accepting sexual immorality (incest) in their church (1 Corinthians 5:1)? Throwing out God's standard of purity--as this is an example--is not right even if it is humanly accepted. God will punish such sin.

In seeking purity, our home lives are to reflect Christ’s purity, even behind the drapes and closed doors.  

We may be able to hide our actions from our family, our pastor, our friends—but God knows and see all. “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom wemust give account (Hebrews 4:13).”

Are we feeding our minds with pure mental food? Have we asked the Lord to show us where we can change our lives at home? Have we turned off the television when someone clad in immodest clothing comes slinking across the screen?  Or do we justify it because it’s sports, it’s a commercial, etc.? Are we blameless as singles (and married people are included too) in giving no appearance of evil of in how we are hosting male or female friends? Do we protect ourselves by our actions to remain chaste in world that tingles with thriving lasciviousness? Are we spending enough time dedicating ourselves to God-given responsibilities—like cleaning the house, washing the sheets, tending to wiping a child’s face, fixing supper on time--or are we being excessive on Facebook, Pintrest, Craigslist, blogs, etc. and neglecting husband, children, parents and/or home? Idleness or even doing good things that are the cause of neglect of the first priority can be a stumbling stone that leads to unhealthy habits, that lead ultimately to vice and sin.

Go before the Lord. This is not an exhaustive “how to” post on cleaning up our lives according to scripture. It is a call to think, fall on our knees and go humbly before the Lord seeking Him out for the Christian standard.

There are definite guidelines for Christians that should be universally understood as the way of Christ. God is very explicit in moral detail. Anyone can read the Bible and find answers about how to behave morally.  Again, the Holy Spirit will lead all seeking Christians into all truth. We can know. If you want to know more, go to the Contact Us page and send us a message. 

Remember, if we are aligning and justifying our purity by comparison of others—we’re not where we need to be. We only have One to align ourselves to and that is Christ Jesus. He is our Standard and Helps us obtain that morality He calls us to.  

Let us make our aim not to push the limits, gratify our nature and find our “comfort zone”—but to seek the Lord, to please Him and have a heart wholly dedicated to Christ refining us into His beautiful, holy Image. 


**Note from Authoress: There are two references to "sports." Please note that this is not a bash session against sports. However, there is an element in the sports world that can glorify what is not God honoring. This was merely used as an example and the blog post not exhaustive to explaining every detail. As in everything, each Christian has a responsibility to go before the Lord and live out the Christian walk before the Lord.