Rebekah Holt

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Rebekah Holt Derr

Rebekah Holt Derr

Rebekah L. Holt is a Christian horsewoman with an experienced background from managing a pony breeding farm and training family pleasure horses to ride and pull carts.   Born with an inherent fervor for horses, Rebekah was provided many opportunities to work with horses while growing up. As a   certified instructor, Miss Holt has been privileged to teach able-bodied and special needs children and adults the foundations of horsemanship since 2003. 

Click here to read more about Rebekah

What to Do When You Are Rejected - Part Two

This is a continuation of a series of posts from "Twelve Things to Do When You Are Rejected" by Rebekah L. Holt

It's just part of a fallen world to experience rejection from other humans sometime in our lives.

Whether in a work place, in church, in marriage, in family, or friendships--rejection is a painful experience.

What are we to do when we experience rejection?

  1. Give it to the Lord. Read Part One
  2. Go to the Bible. Read Part One

3. Remember Christ was Rejected. When we experience rejection, we have taste of what Christ endured.  We are identifying with Him through our sufferings. His own “earthly” family challenged His leadership (Jn. 7:3-5).  People from His “home town” discounted His Identity and ministry (Mark 3:1-6). Many followers turned away from Him (Jn. 6:60-71). He was mocked by spiritual leaders and others (Mt. 27). Christ was betrayed by a close friend (Mt. 26:14). Christ was forsaken and denied when unjustly condemned (Mark 14:50; Mt. 26:69-74). Several of the people who had witnessed His righteous acts hated Him!  They falsely accused Jesus of lying, being sinful and ultimately condemned Him to death. Today Christ is still mocked, rejected and misrepresented by His own creatures. We must accept that identifying with Christ includes taking up our cross and following Him. It is not “strange” for a Christian to partake in a portion of Christ’s sufferings in a fallen world.  With God’s help, we can “extract” good out of bad (Ro. 8:28) and rejoice in knowing that we are going to see His glory and have His joy! And Jesus called [to Him] the throng with His disciples and said to them, If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself [forget, ignore, disown, and lose sight of himself and his own interests] and take up his cross, and [joining Me as a disciple and siding with My party] follow with Me [continually, cleaving steadfastly to Me] (Mark 8:34). But rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy (1 Pe. 4:13).

4. Recall that God is Sovereign. God is in control and fully aware of our circumstances (He. 4:13). The circumstances do not take Him by surprise (Mt. 6:8; Acts 15:18; Is. 46:9-10).  What “so and so” did to us, God sees it.  He is concerned about us. He is the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3)! God’s timing is not our timing (Ec. 3:17). Yet, God is just.  No one “gets away” with anything before the Lord (He. 10:30). Remember that though we are finite and can only see the “now”—God is infinite, seeing all, past, present, and future. He is on the job, all the time (Ps. 121; Is. 50:8)

5. Know that God is at Work on Your Behalf! Being rejected, in whatever form, does not have to mar or dismember our life.  It’s truly not our end! God is at work.  I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him (Ec. 3:14). Where there is life, there is hope that whatever has happened can be redeemed by the Redeemer (Is. 48:17).  Sometimes God’s redemption is to do a new work, a new thing (Is. 43:19). Nothing is too hard for the Lord (Jer. 32:17). Nothing! And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose(Ro. 8:28).


To be continued!

Hits: 1694
What to Do When You Are Rejected - Part One


There are so many ways that we experience rejection in life.  The environments of family, employment, church, dating/courting and social circles all provide the backdrop of some the most painful experiences caused by human rejection. Christians might be resigned to expecting the world’s rejection.  But what about when fellow Christians are the ones to reject us? Christ did not promise His followers exemption from sorrows in earthly life.  What He did promise us is all our needs to be met, including: help, comfort, wisdom, guidance, strength, grace, healing and HOPE!

So when we find ourselves rejected of men, what is our response to be?  Here’s a few quick points for what to do when you are rejected:

  1. Give it to the Lord. It is upsetting to be rejected. It hurts! It’s unjust! How could they?  Why did this happen to me?  We ask these questions. We seek comfort or justice. The Bible tells us to cast our cares upon the Lord. Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Ps. 55:2).Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Despite the emotions of the moment, slow down and first pray.  Tell the Lord about the details and ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5).  Be careful to first abandon your thoughts, worries, hurts and struggles to the Lord. Let Him give you His thoughts! He is the Wonderful Counselor (Is. 9:6). For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin (He. 4:15).
  2. Go to the Bible. Let your situation be a catalyst to seeking Truth. Fill your mind with God’s Word.  The Bible tells us that if we seek God we find Him (Jer. 29:12-13). We cannot find our way out of the valley without God’s Lamp to guide us (Ps. 119: 105). Go over what God has promised and make a list.

For starters, remember that God has promised:

        1. A plan for your life (Je. 29:11)
        2. All needs supplied (Phil. 4:19)
        3. Peace (Jn. 14:27)
        4. Rest (Mt. 11:28-30)
        5. Strength and renewal (Is. 40:29-31)
        6. Redemption from sin (Ro. 10:9)
        7. Eternal life (Ro. 6:23)


From: "Twelve Things to Do When You Are Rejected - Rebekah L. Holt


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Elisabeth Elliot On Radio Again!

This is great news! Elisabeth Elliot's radio program "Gateway to Joy" is now airing again with Bible Broadcasting Network. 

I find myself walking my mother's footsteps in receiving so much from Mrs. Elisabeth Elliot Gren.  Her radio programs and books are to the point and like being taught of the older woman as God intended.  Through the years, she has helped me out of many a slump of self pity, grief, discouragement and fear of unknowns. Mrs. Gren has challenged me to live a Christianity that is not a fakey ordeal but genuine, approachable and geared toward service. 

Yes, Mrs. Elisabeth Elliot Gren's soothy, truthful Biblical message has been so instrumental in my life.  I'm delighted to find her radio broadcasts are finally available again.

If encouragement, challenge or just Christian fellowship is needed--then grab your Bible and listen to this dear Christian lady.  

Listen On Demand online (click here).  You can also visit her website 

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Submission & Results

My brother just called me to share the results of his day.  He told me that my horse Beauty and he had won 2nd place in a Team Roping event with sizable prize money and a fully tooled saddle. 

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I was thinking of Beauty's progress under my brother's training. Though only a 5 year old, for several years, we didn't think she would ever make a steady Heel horse.  Beauty was a little bit flighty and had shown herself capable of great stupidity (e.g. running through a fence, harming herself, being spooky about so much, etc.).  However, especially in the last year, Beauty's potential has sky rocketed.  

The same was for Flavia, another horse that I started in the principles of riding (like Beauty).  My brother bought this filly from me and began her training as a Heel Horse.  She was a bit of a renegade.  Yet, Flavia is now one of my brother's top athletic horses with all the talent and cow sense you could desire in a Team Roping horse.

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In many cases, I was thinking of how given enough time and with consistent training these fillies exceeded our expectations.  In our frustration or just disbelief that anything would materialize from going the extra mile with these fillies--we were ready to quit and find us something else.  Flavia I tried to practically give away at one point in her training (she reared and would literally squeal at any light leg pressure, ring her tail, etc.).  Beauty has also been up for sale in the past.  

The turning point of both Beauty and Flavia to becoming money earning contenders is their full submission to their training and their trainer who funneled their raw strengths and abilities into a purposeful plan.    

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Both began with quirks that had to be managed and worked with. Yet, those obstacles have been overcome.  Beauty and Flavia couldn't understand that we wanted them to be Heel Horses--but they had the ability to become such athletes.  We were not expecting something they could not achieve. Instead, we could detect their cow sense and agility would enable them to rise to our plans for them (even though we were ready to give up!).

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In comparison, I am so thankful the Lord does not give up on us!  He knows our full potential with His Sovereign Omnipotence.  He understands what we need in our training to achieve what He directs for us to become. I think of how we as Christians can reach our full potential by submitting ourselves to God's training of our lives. Everyone of us goes through daily rigors and all of us can face unknowns.  We can't know God's final plan for us at this moment.  But the Scriptures say that for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose--ALL things fit into a pattern for good (Romans 8:28).

Though on a much grander scale--the Lord's training of us is something we can achieve.  The Bible says that He prepares special works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).  It says that He knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5).  The Bible tells us that He has a plan and purpose unique to each of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).  He does not require more of us than we can achieve--He enables (Philippians 2:13).  Yet, "everything-that-God-wants-us-to-be" cannot be reached unless we submit to His direction and are willing to be taken in hand by the Hand that Created us and yoked with Him.

By submitting ourselves to the Lord--we have results!  The Bible promises us rest: "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Hits: 1432
Remembering a Remarkable Horse Named Goliath

Goliath--the most enormous black Perceron I've ever stood beside--just died July 3rd.  

According to the article: 

GoliathGoliath, the 2005 Guinness Book of World Record holder for Tallest Living Horse, passed away peacefully July 3, 2014 on the Priefert Ranch in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Goliath was an awe striking black Percheron gelding who stood 19.1 hands high and weighed over 2500lbs. He was superstar and legend in his own right.

Bill Priefert purchased Goliath, along with five other Percherons, that made up Priefert’s “Texas Thunder” Hitch. Goliath and the team traveled 40,000- 60,000 miles a year, exhibiting at over 100 rodeos, parades, fairs, and equine events each year. After becoming a Gunniess World Record title holder, Goliath traveled solo, making countless stops at Priefert Dealers and Priefert-sponsored events across the country.

Read more:


Not too often do we meet horses that make the "big time!" 

Goliath was just one of many remarkable draft horses owned by the Prieferts. When teaching riding lessons, I had called and asked if I could bring a group of students on a field trip to meet Radar and Goliath.  Priefert at that time, owned the World's Tallest Living Horses--Radar and Goliath.  Radar had beat Goliath's height of 19.1 h.h. by 2 inches (19.3 h.h.), claiming the Tallest Living Horse title until 2010 when another horse, named Big Jake won the title with a remarkable 20.2 h.h.

Thinking back, Goliath was decidedly handsome--but I marveled how short his neck was! He looked so comical as he reached down to nibble grass, having to spread his front legs to get his head low enough to reach for the grass! Docile and mannerly, Goliath entertained my students and I as we clamored to pet him.  His handler spent so much time with us, sharing tidbits about Goliath and Radar's diets, habits and daily routine.  They were very well cared for, with roomy paddocks and custom made stalls (made by Priefert products, of course!).  They even had a remarkable walker suited just for their enormous size!  

Great memories! And a great horse!

Of course, I took an abundance of pictures.  Here's a few from that memorable day:

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Our field trip group back in 2006!  WOW! That was 8 years ago! I'm kneeling down in the front. It will always be a favorite memory!  

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