Rebekah L. Derr (Holt)
- Details
Update December 2016: Rebekah L. Holt wedded John Derr on November 11, 2016. Check out their story: God was our Matchmaker
Rebekah L. Derr (Holt)
Growing up on a small family farm with her parents and twelve siblings, Rebekah's passion for animals and farm life developed with a lasting fervor for horses.
Rebekah's Christian parents provided her with an excellent, homeschool education. For several years, she worked as manager and trainer of Bar H Farms, a family business that specialized in breeding, training, and selling small children's ponies. Rebekah's love for working with children and horses was combined in offering riding lessons, first to her seven younger siblings and then to the public in 2003. In the summer of 2005, Mrs. Derr received certification through Certified Horsemanship Association as a professional riding instructor and in July 2011, Rebekah completed PATH International's (formerly NARHA) Registered Instructor certification.
Rebekah writes, "As a riding instructor, I felt a burden to witness the Gospel message to many riding students. Some of my students came from dysfunctional homes and were following frightening paths to wayward lifestyles. I realized that the students' love of horses could lead them to Christ, the Creator and Savior. Since dedicating my riding lessons to the Lord's service, I have had the privilege of pointing many young lives and their families to Jesus Christ."
Teaching children made Rebekah increasingly aware of Darwin's theory of Evolution and its stronghold in the "horse world" and the gaping lack of Biblical equestrian resources. Riding lessons and other teaching engagements became strategic moments to counter evolution's fallacy with Biblical truth. In May 2006, Mrs, Derr began coordinating eQuest For Truth in an effort to supply equine enthusiasts with the truth about equine origins, equus in the Bible, and other related topics.
When asked how she got "into photography," Rebekah says that "Marketing horses piqued my interest and got me started in a photography service, eQuest Photography. Photographing God's creation has turned into a passionate hobby. There are few greater joys than being able to capture a special, fleeting moment of time on film."
On November 11, 2016, Rebekah wedded God's choice of husband for her, John Derr. Becoming Mrs. John Derr has been a priviledge and adventure. Though she still has a couple of horses and loves to write, Rebekah has shifted gears into being a wife to John and a mother to two young blessings. Since marriage, Rebekah has written a few articles on Christian living for Virtuous Daughters, however, research time is now spent chasing a toddler, cradling an infant and setting up the small homestead! Rebekah and John still desire to stay active in ministry, though for this season in life, their ministry focuses mostly on raising up a Godfearing generation and serving in their local church.
Rebekah with some of her brothers and all of her sisters on a family trail ride! Picture Taken September 14, 2014
Rebekah's work with eQuest For Truth was featured in Answers magazine (January 2007)
Rebekah was a guest on The John and Kathy Show (The WORD FM - Pittsburg, PA) in April 2012 to discuss "The Christian's Twelve Practical Principles to the Path of Contentment". Listen (you need Adobe Flash Player)
Featured Article "Lady Loopers" and Photography by Rebekah L. Holt was published in The Paint Horse Journal, October 2013, featuring Team Ropers Bonnie Rape and Sandy Dickerson.
Featured Article "Real Men Ride Color" and Photography by Rebekah L. Holt was published in Flash, March 2015, a publication of the American Paint Horse Association, featuring Team Ropers Bill Dickerson and Coleman Holt.
Rebekah's photographic works have been used by The American Shetland Pony Club and The American Miniature Horse Registry in various mainstream equine publication.
Animal Souls, Slaughter and the Bible
A Christian's Concoction for Conquering Complaints
A Christian's Twelve Practical Principles to the Path of Contentment
But Lord I'm a Nobody! Getting Over Excuses to Be God's Everyday Ministry Tool
George Washington: The All American Equestrian
Horse Ambulation Designed For Human Benefit
Five Keys to Gaining Confidence in Being a Committed Christian
Is There a Blessing in Being Alone?
Molecules to Mare Evolution--Is It True??
Putting on the Whole Armor of God
"Save the Horse and Kill the Baby"--When Animal Life is Valued over Human Life
Skillful Weaving - A Testimony
Ten Guidelines to Live a Pure Christian Life
The Christian Equestrian's Guide to Authenticity
The Prehistoric Primitive Przewalski Pony--Unraveling a Whoppin' Yarn of Evolution
Truth-Straight From the Horse's Mouth
Twelve Things to Do When You Are Rejected
What About Horse Toe Evolution?
The Hoof Print Blog Posts:
Freedom on Hooves - Equestrians With Disabilities Compete at the Chisholm Challenge
How Children Have Enriched My Life
January 28-A Day I Will Never Forget
Of Horses and a Genetic Scientist
Putting on the Whole Armor of God
Horse Ambulation Designed For Human Benefit
Memorial Day Celebration - Pictures of U.S. Calvary
In Christ We Have What We Need to Make It!
Remembering a Remarkable Horse Named Goliath
Seven Reasons We Can Be Thankful
Rehearing, Remembering and Rejoicing in What God Has Done!
Elisabeth Elliot on the Radio Again!
So Why Did I Become a Christian?
What to Do When You Are Rejected? Multi Part Series
George Washington - The All American Equestrian
Being Pure in Today's World - It's Possible! Multi Part Series
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