About Us
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{jcomments off}eQuest For Truth is a Christian Apologetics Website for Equestrians.
eQuest For Truth is dedicated to teaching children, youth and adults about the amazing equuskind and providing Biblically solid resources to inspire intellects, challenge minds, and satisfy the hearts of those on their quest for Truth of God's Divine Word.
eQuest For Truth is a private, non-profit ministry that is run completely by volunteer man power and monetary donations.
eQuest For Truth's Writers:
Mr. Arthur Biele
Miss Kaylee Hall
Miss Bethany Holt
Miss Mary Holt
Mrs. Rebekah L. (Holt) Derr
Statement of Belief
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We believe that the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments are the Divine Inspiration of the Living God of the Bible and are completely inerrant and the sole written authority for the followers of Christ.
We believe in the Holy Trinity--God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a Virgin birth, lived a perfect, sinless earthly life, died as the sacrificial Lamb on the Cross to atone man's sin and that He rose bodily to life, triumphant over death and is ALIVE today sitting at the Right Hand of God! Romans 10:9 tells us, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
"Jesus said unto her, I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" John 11:25-26
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." John 14:6
"For The Scripture saith: Whosoever believeth on Him, shall not be ashamed." Romans 10:10
Do not wait. If you are not a Christian, consider Christ's words and become one of His followers NOW.
It does not take a special location to accept Christ as a personal Lord and Savior.
If you have any questions about this decision in your life, please do not hestitate to ask us, right now. We will respond quickly.
Dr. Jean K. Lightner
- Details
Jean K. Lightner, DVM worked just over three years as a veterinary medical officer for the US Department of Agriculture before resigning to stay at home to raise and teach her four children. Since high school, she has been interested in creation-related issues and their relevance to understanding the world and living a consistent Christian life. Now that her children are grown, she is deeply involved in creation research. She has contributed numerous articles to creation journals, magazines, and websites and serves as a board member for the Creation Research Society. She is an adjunct with Liberty University Online and a member of the BSG: a creation biology study group, Christian Veterinary Mission and the National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps.
How Did We Get Chestnut Colored Horses?